Coronavirus: How the UK could end lockdown early – and what could go wrong

**Coronavirus: How the UK could end lockdown early – and what could go wrong**

The UK government has set out a roadmap for easing lockdown restrictions in England, with the aim of lifting all restrictions by 21 June. However, there are concerns that the government is moving too quickly and that this could lead to a second wave of infections.

The government’s roadmap is based on four tests, which must be met before each stage of lockdown easing can take place. These tests are:

* The vaccine programme is successfully reducing the number of hospitalisations and deaths from COVID-19.

* The NHS is able to cope with the number of COVID-19 cases.

* The rate of infection is not increasing.

* There is no risk of a new variant of COVID-19 that could evade the vaccine.

If all four of these tests are met, the government will move to the next stage of lockdown easing. The first stage of easing, which is due to begin on 8 March, will see schools reopen and people will be allowed to meet outdoors in groups of up to six.

However, there are concerns that the government is moving too quickly. The number of COVID-19 cases is still relatively high, and there is no guarantee that the vaccine programme will be successful in reducing the number of hospitalisations and deaths. Additionally, there is a risk of a new variant of COVID-19 emerging that could evade the vaccine.

If the government does move too quickly and the number of COVID-19 cases starts to increase again, it could lead to a second wave of infections. This could put a strain on the NHS and lead to more deaths.

It is important that the government takes a cautious approach to easing lockdown restrictions. The government should only move to the next stage of easing if it is confident that all four of its tests have been met. Otherwise, there is a risk of a second wave of infections, which could have devastating consequences.

**What could go wrong?**

There are a number of things that could go wrong if the UK government moves too quickly to ease lockdown restrictions.

* **The number of COVID-19 cases could start to increase again.** This could put a strain on the NHS and lead to more deaths.

* **A new variant of COVID-19 could emerge that could evade the vaccine.** This would make the vaccine less effective and could lead to a second wave of infections.

* **The vaccine programme could be less successful than expected.** This could mean that the number of hospitalisations and deaths from COVID-19 does not decrease as quickly as hoped.

* **The government could make mistakes in its handling of the pandemic.** This could lead to a loss of public confidence and make it more difficult to control the virus.

It is important that the government takes a cautious approach to easing lockdown restrictions. The government should only move to the next stage of easing if it is confident that all four of its tests have been met. Otherwise, there is a risk of a second wave of infections, which could have devastating consequences..

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