Poland’s Far-Right Rules Escalate over Judiciary as Europe Warns of ‘Polexit’

Poland’s government stepped up its assault on the judiciary on Monday, taking over the Supreme Court and seizing control of a disciplinary chamber that had been internationally criticized for punishing judges for their rulings. The moves sparked protests across Poland and a warning from the European Union, which said the rule of law in the country was severely under threat. The European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, said it would closely monitor the situation and consider whether to trigger a procedure that could lead to Poland being stripped of its EU voting rights. The crisis has escalated tensions between Poland and the EU, and has raised concerns that Poland could follow in the footsteps of Britain and leave the bloc. The situation in Poland has been simmering for years, but the government’s latest moves have brought it to a head. The government, led by the conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party, has long been accused of chipping away at the independence of the judiciary. In recent months, the government has passed a series of laws that have given it more control over the courts, including the Supreme Court. The government has also targeted individual judges, with some being suspended or even fired for their rulings. The government’s latest moves have been widely condemned by the opposition, the judiciary, and the international community. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, said the takeover of the Supreme Court was a .

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