Google News Submissions Policy | Google News Initiative

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Our automated systems review the content and metadata that you submit to Google News. This content may come from a variety of sources, including your website, an RSS feed, or another software program. We need to make sure that all content submitted to Google News meets our policies. If your content doesn’t meet our policies, it may be removed from Google News.

Publishers are responsible for ensuring that submitted content complies with applicable laws and the Google News Publisher Center Terms of Service. Failure to do so may result in various enforcement actions, up to and including account termination.

Here are some of the most common reasons why content may be removed from Google News:

Content that is not news

Google News is a source of up-to-date news and information. Content that is not news is not relevant to our users and will be removed. Examples of content that is not news include:

Press releases

Marketing materials

Opinion pieces

Event listings

Job postings

Content that is not original

Google News values original content. Content that is copied from other sources without adding anything new will be removed. This includes content that is:

Rewritten from other sources


Syndicated without adding any original reporting

Content that is factually inaccurate

Google News is a trusted source of information. Content that is factually inaccurate will be removed. This includes content that:

Contains false or misleading information

Is based on unreliable sources

Promotes conspiracy theories

Content that is harmful or dangerous

Google News is a safe platform for users. Content that is harmful or dangerous will be removed. This includes content that:

Promotes violence or hate speech

Contains sexually explicit material

Promotes child sexual abuse

Content that violates copyright

Google News respects copyright law. Content that violates copyright will be removed. This includes content that:

Uses copyrighted material without permission

Links to copyrighted material without permission

If you believe that your content was removed from Google News in error, you can appeal the removal. To appeal a removal, please follow the instructions in the removal notice that you received from Google News.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adhering to our policies. By doing so, you help us to maintain a high-quality experience for our users..

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