Student-Athlete Sydney Moore Is Glamour’s 2023 College Women of the Year

Growing up, I was always taught the importance of helping others, so much so that I sometimes put their needs before my own, which I’ve since had to work on. I like to think that my drive to serve was planted when I was 10 years old, and my mom took me on a medical mission trip to Sierra Leone. While volunteering at the hospital, I met a woman who had walked five miles with a broken leg. Her pain was evident, but even more so was her gratitude for the care we were providing. 

From that day forward, I’ve been dedicated to helping people, particularly those who need it most. In high school, this passion manifested in my volunteer work. I volunteered as an advocate at the Durham County Juvenile Detention Center, where I mentored and tutored incarcerated youth, preparing them to reenter society. As I got older, my commitment to helping people only intensified. 

Now a rising senior at North Carolina State University, I use my platform as a student-athlete to shed light on important issues and inspire others. In the classroom, I study social work and am working toward a minor in criminology. My goal is to become a licensed clinical social worker so that I can help people heal from trauma, particularly marginalized communities.

Off the field, I’m president of the Student-Athlete Advisory Council, where I work with campus administration and student-athletes to improve our athletic experience and foster a sense of community. I’m also the co-founder of empo[wer], a student-led initiative that confronts issues related to identity and social justice, and a member of the university’s Black Student Union.

On the field, I’m a member of the NC State track and field team, competing in the sprints, hurdles, and jumps. The structure and discipline that sports have taught me have led to successes both on and off the track. I understand the power of teamwork, perseverance, and accountability, and I use these traits in all aspects of my life. Competing in college athletics has been an incredible experience, but I know that it’s more than just competing for a win. It’s about representing my university, my team, my family, and my community with integrity and humility. 

Receiving the College Women of the Year Award is a tremendous honor and an affirmation of my commitment to using my voice and platform to make a difference in the world. As I complete my last year of undergrad, I can’t wait to see what the future holds. I’m excited to graduate and give back to my community in new ways through social work. I’m also grateful for the opportunity to continue using my platform to advocate for the voiceless, inspire others, and help create a more just and equitable society..

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