Brides Who Insist ‘It’s My Day’ Should Pay For Everything

The author of an anonymous post on Reddit’s ‘Wedding Shaming’ forum sparked outrage when she revealed that she wanted her bridesmaids to pay for their dresses, hair, makeup, and even travel expenses for her destination wedding. She justified her request by saying, ‘It’s my day, so they should be willing to spend whatever it takes to make it perfect.’.

This entitled attitude has become all too common among brides-to-be, who seem to think that their wedding day is an excuse to guilt-trip their friends and family into spending exorbitant amounts of money. While it’s understandable to want your wedding to be special, it’s important to remember that your guests are not obligated to pay for your dream day..

In fact, many guests are already struggling financially, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Asking them to shell out hundreds or even thousands of dollars for your wedding is simply unreasonable..

If you’re on a tight budget, there are plenty of ways to have a beautiful and memorable wedding without breaking the bank. You can opt for a smaller venue, a less expensive dress, or even DIY some of the decorations. There’s no need to put your guests in financial hardship just because you want a lavish wedding..

It’s also important to remember that your wedding day is not just about you. It’s also a celebration of your love for your partner. If you’re truly focused on making your partner happy, you’ll want to choose a wedding that is affordable and enjoyable for everyone involved..

So, if you’re planning your wedding, please be considerate of your guests’ financial situations. Don’t make unreasonable demands or guilt-trip them into spending more than they can afford. Remember, it’s your day, but it’s also their money..

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