Cringeworthy Bridesmaids’ Wedding Horror Stories That Will Make You Rethink Your Choices

As a bridesmaid, you’re expected to be the bride’s right-hand woman, the one who helps her plan the perfect wedding and keeps everything running smoothly on the big day. But what happens when things go wrong? What happens when the bridesmaid becomes the source of cringeworthy moments that the bride and guests will never forget?.

We asked our readers to share their most cringeworthy bridesmaids’ wedding horror stories, and oh boy, did they deliver. From drunken speeches to wardrobe malfunctions, these stories are sure to make you laugh, cringe, and rethink your own bridesmaid choices..

**The Maid of Dishonor**.

One reader shared the story of her bridesmaid who got so drunk at the wedding that she ended up vomiting on the bride’s dress. Not only that, but she then proceeded to pass out in the middle of the dance floor. The bride was understandably upset, and the bridesmaid was asked to leave the wedding early..

**The Fashion Faux Pas**.

Another reader told us about a bridesmaid who showed up to the wedding in a dress that was completely inappropriate. The dress was too short, too tight, and too revealing. The bride was mortified, and the bridesmaid was asked to change her outfit..

**The Speech from Hell**.

One of the most cringeworthy bridesmaid speeches we’ve ever heard was given by a bridesmaid who was so nervous that she started crying. She then proceeded to ramble on for several minutes about how much she loved the bride, but how she also had some concerns about the marriage. The guests were shocked, and the bride was left in tears..

**The Bridesmaidzilla**.

In some cases, the bridesmaid is the one who causes the most drama. One reader told us about a bridesmaid who tried to take over the wedding planning process. She was constantly trying to tell the bride what to do, and she even tried to change the guest list. The bride eventually had to fire her as a bridesmaid..

**The No-Show**.

Perhaps the most cringeworthy bridesmaid horror story is the one where the bridesmaid simply doesn’t show up for the wedding. One reader told us about a bridesmaid who RSVP’d yes to the wedding, but then never showed up. The bride was devastated, and the other bridesmaids were left to pick up the slack..

If you’re a bridesmaid, it’s important to remember that you’re there to support the bride. That means being respectful of her wishes, dressing appropriately, and behaving yourself. If you’re not sure how to do something, just ask the bride. And if you’re feeling nervous, take a deep breath and remember that you’re there to have a good time..

After all, it’s the bride’s big day. Let her shine..

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