Russia-Ukraine war: Putin’s ‘devastating’ choice to end conscription

Ukrainian forces continue to advance in the east as Russia ends its military draft..

The Russian military has ended its conscription drive, with officials claiming they have reached their target of 300,000 new recruits. The move comes as Ukrainian forces continue to make gains in the east of the country, retaking territory that had been occupied by Russian forces since the early days of the war..

The end of the conscription drive is a significant development, as it suggests that Russia is struggling to maintain its manpower levels in Ukraine. The Russian military has been heavily depleted by the war, with estimates suggesting that it has lost tens of thousands of troops. The conscription drive was an attempt to replenish these losses, but it appears to have fallen short of its target..

The end of the conscription drive is also a sign that Russia is increasingly isolated. The war in Ukraine has led to widespread international condemnation of Russia, and many countries have imposed sanctions on the country. This has made it difficult for Russia to obtain the resources it needs to sustain its war effort..

The end of the conscription drive is a major setback for Russia, and it is likely to have a significant impact on the course of the war. Ukrainian forces are now in a strong position to continue their advance in the east, and they may even be able to push Russian forces out of the country altogether..

In other news from the war in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that he is prepared to use nuclear weapons if Russia is attacked by NATO. Putin’s warning came in a speech to the Russian parliament, in which he also accused NATO of .

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