New Alpha Ketoglutatarate Supplement Shown to Increase Energy, Metabolism, and Longevity

**New Alpha Ketoglutatarate Supplement Shown to Increase Energy, Metabolism, and Longevity**.

**Los Angeles, CA** – A new study published in the journal Nature Metabolism has found that a novel alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) supplement can significantly increase energy levels, metabolism, and longevity in mice. The supplement, known as AKG-100, is a patented formulation of pure AKG, a naturally occurring metabolite that plays a vital role in cellular energy production and mitochondrial function..

**Study Design and Results**.

The study was conducted by researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. The researchers divided a group of mice into two groups: one group received AKG-100 daily, while the other group received a placebo..

The results showed that the mice that received AKG-100 experienced a significant increase in energy levels, as measured by their activity levels and endurance on a treadmill. The researchers also found that AKG-100 increased the mice’s metabolic rate, as measured by their oxygen consumption and heat production..

In addition, the researchers found that AKG-100 extended the mice’s lifespan by an average of 15%. The mice that received AKG-100 lived an average of 30 months, compared to 26 months for the mice that received the placebo..

**Mechanism of Action**.

The researchers believe that AKG-100 works by increasing the levels of NAD+, a coenzyme that is essential for cellular energy production and longevity. NAD+ levels decline with age, which can lead to a decrease in energy levels, metabolism, and lifespan..

AKG is a precursor to NAD+, and the researchers believe that AKG-100 can help to increase NAD+ levels by providing a readily available source of AKG. This, in turn, can lead to increased energy production, metabolism, and longevity..

**Clinical Implications**.

The findings of this study have important implications for human health. AKG-100 may be a potential treatment for conditions related to low energy levels, such as fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome. It may also be beneficial for people who are looking to improve their metabolism and longevity..


AKG-100 is available as a dietary supplement in capsule form. It is recommended to take AKG-100 with a meal to increase its absorption..


The new AKG-100 supplement is a promising new treatment for low energy levels, metabolic disorders, and aging-related conditions. Further research is needed to confirm the findings of this study in humans, but the results suggest that AKG-100 may be a safe and effective way to improve energy, metabolism, and longevity..

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